Apr 4, 2010

Randomness: NaPoWriMo # 3

What will I do with:
A ½ dog-eaten Patrick the Starfish ornament ,
a Soccer ball, one of the dozen my daughter has
Netflix envelopes that arrive almost daily in our mail
Tape measure,
fence that blew down two different times one winter
½ empty Starbucks cup,
one of my favorite addictions,
I mean places to go
Cinnamon Life Cereal can be good
sweet but not too sweet.
2 Grand Prix Derby Cars
will likely never be used.
Index cards to jot ideas,
I’ve jotted.
Can of Diet Coke,
sometimes a lifeline
Hand Sanitizer, germqphobia!
we will clean the world
Purple party streamers
from a party long ago
Gels pens bought to write out the Christmas cards
that we didn’t send
and didn’t write out

What would an archeologist think of all our stuff
100 years from now?

April 2, 2010

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