Apr 20, 2010

NaPoWriMo # 20: April is Hard

April Is Hard

Poems have been ruling over me.
Quantity over quality has weighed,
like a bag of bricks on my shoulders.
April is the cruelest month,
so said a great poet.
He must have participated in
NaPoWriMo 1930 something.

Pushing yourself can be good,
can be tiring,
can be surprising.
Worth the effort?
Of coarse it is!
When it’s run the course,
I may be hoarse
in my mind.
April has worn me
down, pushed me hard,
and stretched my writing muscles.
Will I do it again,
next year?
You bet!

April 20, 2010


Ingeborg said...

LOL I sympathise. Well expressed.

Stiletto said...

Close and warm. I like it!

Unknown said...

I sure agree - worn down and will do it again. Well done!

Anonymous said...

True words indeed.

Anonymous said...

Fun poem. I haven't felt weighed down yet, more fearing the quality is suffering. I still enjoy cranking them out.

Dan said...

Worth the effort. Yep.

Jeremiah's House said...

Hi Ingeborg, Stiletto, Wanda, Cosmicmermaid, poemblaze, and Dan. Thanks for comments. I think I have more going on this year than last, so I've found it harder to write this year, but still it is worth the effort. Have missed a couple days, but I plan to tack on a couple extra at the end.

Anonymous said...

Oh, only a week left now!

I'm in the same boat - although my writing tends to be short, I always try to match to an photograph, either that I've already taken or that I take in response to the words.

I'm way behind on reading everyone else's work, but I'm slowly catching up - it's been fun to discover what you've made of these prompts...thanks!

Anonymous said...

All the posts of this blog are awesome really enjoyed to read them. TestKing